Pissing of the AI while shooting them from above is so satisfactory, especially when they can't hurt you at all. Jet Troopers have jetpacks, a quality no other faction or unit has (Dark Trooper comes close). Sniping (with the Precision Pistol, preferably).Having a Precision Pistol is also helpful, for you long range commandoes.Ī jetpack, EMP launcher and commando pistol? GG With the help of a couple of normal troops you can make an area near impossible to breach. However, with droidekas out of the way you can mow down enemies swiftly, which makes this unit the definition of defense. Droidekas are almost at a complete advantage over you because of their shield and your lack of explosives, so having two soldiers by your side will help greatly if the situation is out of your control (esp. Coming face to face with a droideka might bite you in your ass if you cant rev-up the gun in time. Seriously he can singlehandedly destroy enemy units and clear out an area faster than these dumb droids can process. Enjoy killing countless droids with a huge chaingun.